GFDL Intranet

Getting to GFDL by Bicycle (or, finding forestal)

what where?!

The Programme in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOS) and the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) are located on Forrestal Campus, along with the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). Most unfortunately, Forrestal Campus is located north of the main campus on Route 1.

travel options

To get to Forrestal Campus from the Princeton University main campus, you could...

  • walk (it would take a long time),
  • take the shuttle (runs once a day there and back; email Huiyanfor more info (best to do so a day or two in advance if youd like to take the shuttle)),
  • drive (not so good for the environment; driving on Route 1 probably wont be enjoyable; takes about 10 minutes...if traffic is ok (ha!))
  • BICYCLE (my preferred method; there is a very scenic route that avoids Route 1; takes about 30 minutes from the Graduate College, a little less from main campus)

bike bike bike -- directions for riding there

As you probably have guessed from the title of this page, this webpage is about getting to GFDL and Forrestal Campus by bicycle. These directions are for riding from Princeton University to Forrestal Campus (obviously, you will have to reverse these directions if you re going the other way). The route is not as complicated as it might seem if you re reading the directions for the first time...please try it out!

Below is the text version of the directions. An illustrated version, which includes a map, is also available.

Starting from the Princeton University main campus (click here for a campus map)...

  • Ride southwards (downhill) on either Alexander Street, Washington Road, or Harrison Street.
  • Keep going (past Faculty Road) until you reach the towpath. The towpath is the path between Lake Carnegie and the canal.
  • Turn left onto the towpath. 
    You will be riding with Lake Carnegie on your left and the canal on your right. Nice, huh? Dont forget to enjoy the scenery!
  • Keep riding along the towpath until you reach the two bridges after Harrison Street(note that if you took Alexander St., you would have had to cross Washington Rd. and Harrison St. to get to this point; if you took Washington Rd., you would have had to cross Harrison St.).
  • At the pair of bridges after Harrison Street, cross both bridges and ride past the car park.(You will have to turn right to cross the second bridge.)
  • Turn left onto Mapleton Road
  • On Mapleton Rd., ride past the Millstone apartments (on your right) and keep going until you see a "driveway" on your right that has a chain and an "Emergency vehicles only" sign
  • Turn right and ride past the "Emergency vehicles only" sign.
  • "Go straight, no matter what!" 
    You should now be in a residential area. Ride through the residential area; keep going straight no matter what. On your way through, you should pass about three more emergency vehicle chains (just keep going!). Keep riding until you see a tunnel/bridge. The road on the bridge is Route 1.
  • Ride under the bridge (thus avoiding Route 1). 
    Go straight, past the main "gate" and you should now be on Forrestal Drive, Forrestal Campus (there are signs to confirm that you are on Forrestal Campus).
  • If you are looking for GFDL or Sayre Hall, turn right at the first road after the main "gate". GFDL is the building on the right and Sayre Hall is on the left. There are bike racks near the side entry of GFDL.

You are there! I hope you enjoyed the ride.



Thank you to Andrew Wittenberg and Tim Garrett for sharing this route with me :)